
Our Payment Methods

Currently, payments on our website are only accepted through direct bank transfer to our designated account. Typically, transfers take approximately 2 days to settle on our account after the funds have been sent. Once the payment has been received in our account, we will promptly ship your order using your selected shipping method.

Please ensure that you include your order number in the title of the bank transfer for reference.

We are actively working towards implementing additional payment methods such as credit cards, which we anticipate will be available in the near future. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this process.

Get In touch

Schedule an Appointment



Our Address:

9 Old Hillside Road, Winchester, SO22 5LN, UK

Phone Number:

+44 7883 108379

Our Working Hours

We open online Everyday and offline, Mondays to Satuadays From 7:00Am to 8:00Pm